SaaS GIS as a Risk Mitigation and Reporting Tool for Ag Lenders GIS in Agriculture Guide GIS tools are an effective way for lenders and investors to gain insight into the physical and material risks that their portfolios are exposed to. Access to aggregated data from...
Using GIS as an ESG Data Provider in Agricultural Lending GIS In Agriculture Guide GIS (or, geospatial information system) technology has a wide range of applications in the agricultural sector, from predicting crop-specific water needs, to monitoring soil quality and...
Protecting Against Stranded Assets Due To Water Risk GIS in Agriculture Guide The Stranded Assets Programme at the University of Oxford describes stranded assets as those that have “suffered from unanticipated or premature write-downs, devaluations or conversion to...
Leveraging California Water Districts GIS To Understand Water Risk In Ag Full GIS in Agriculture Guide Geographic information systems are becoming increasingly important to agricultural professionals in California, especially in the understanding of water risk and how...
The Benefits of GIS in Banking GIS in Agriculture Guide Geographic information system (GIS) technology is already being used in the banking industry and other risk-focused industries in a wide variety of ways. The World Financial Review shows how a business analyst at...
Water Risk Assessment and GIS Go Hand in Hand Full GIS in Agriculture Guide Climate risk is one of the primary concerns that the Federal Reserve cited in its annual financial stability report – an issue that is especially important for agricultural lenders. A...