Impacts to Real Estate 

Real Estate Brokers and appraisers have a fiduciary duty to their client to represent truthfully all material facts related to a transaction. In our new world of water scarcity, satisfying this duty becomes increasingly complex especially for agricultural real estate....

What are Message Queues?

We like to transfer information and talk to each other in the office. Much like people, computers and systems need to talk to each other too. However, like people, computers have to wait their turn to communicate when things get busy. Enter message queues!  As you may...
What is Groundwater?

What is Groundwater?

Groundwater is the water beneath the Earth’s surface largely in pore spaces, little holes within rocks, located in the strata zone. One part of the strata zone is the zone of saturation. Groundwater is withdrawn from the zone of saturation. Below the zone of...
Groundwater Well Research Tips

Groundwater Well Research Tips

The AQUAOSO Water Research Platform offers a variety of data sources all in one place. Effectively wielding the tool and integrating it into your workflow is an important step to enhancing your water research. Q: I want to know more about wells in the area I am...
SGMA Basin Boundary and Priority

SGMA Basin Boundary and Priority

The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) requires medium- and high-priority groundwater sub-basins to have a Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) which executes a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) to bring their groundwater sub-basin into “sustainable...

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