As we build out our Water Risk Index, we continually acquire, clean and map new datasets. We now have additional water risk and usage indicators.
Below is a summary of new per-parcel data fields that show up on PDF reports, too. We’re rolling these things into an updated Water District Risk Index soon. These are available today for California, and we expect to roll out the same, or similar metrics for other states (Washington will be next).

Groundwater Quality Indicators
When a groundwater well exceeds the state’s limit on nitrates or total dissolved solids (a proxy for salinity), we show a 2-mile radius circle around the failed well report. While not an exact science, it can be a helpful item to bookmark when reviewing a parcel’s groundwater situation. Now, we’ll show all the well exceedance reports in two places:
1. when clicking to “View” more parcel details, on the map:
2. on a PDF report, above the “Parcel Composition” section:

With the new layout, we believe it will be useful to see changes to groundwater quality over time. Rather than seeing only the most recent well report, you can tell whether the exceedance is getting higher or lower.
Wetlands & Endangered Species
Proximity to protected land, including wetlands or endangered species, can limit the use of land and water.
With the latest release, we brought these indicators into the parcel sidebar (click to “View” parcel details from the map):

and the PDF report:

Review of the new water risk and usage indicators new parcel details and PDF sections
- Well report history showing high levels of nitrates or total dissolved near the parcel
- Endangered species critical habitat intersecting to the parcel
- Wetlands near the parcel
Making reports more useful
Mailing Address
The owner’s mailing address will be displays on PDFs, in the parcel summary section. Look for the “Mailing Info” heading. Note: mailing address is not available for all parcels.
ZIP Files
Every PDF report will have a corresponding ZIP file with all the maps used to render the PDF, as well as an HTML version of the PDF report (this is easier for copying tables to Microsoft Word or other programs). Look for the “Download Assets” link:

Manage Group PDFs
We’ve updated parcel groups to show associated PDF reports, run a report from the group, and page through the report history.